Saturday, 12 November 2011

...Amazing Board...

Based on what I had learned about an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) or we can called it as Smart Board, it usually had been use in some school such as Smart Schools. This Interactive Whiteboard is like a playboard where we can press the button directly at the board. Besides, we also can write on by using a special pen and does not use a maker pen. Furthermore, it is very attractive because the student also can get the opportunity to study with this kind of whiteboard. But before we want to use the Smart Board, we must have installed a Smart Notebook software. This software is like a Microsoft Office Power Point but there are little bit different in it applications. We can see it there are many applications that we can use it for our usage in teaching. It depends on the topic that we want to teach or create it and what we want to show to our students. This is because there are many types of lesson activity toolkits and gallery samplers that we can apply into our slides show. Additionally, it can be recorded as our teaching lesson and it will played automatically if we want to review about the lesson slides show. Indirectly, the teachers can use this application when they want to close the lesson. Although it is complicated in creating the lesson slides show but it will make the P&P become alive and the student enjoy to study. Besides that, it would be more meaningful rather than study just for the examination. Other than that, the teachers can use Interactive Whiteboard to attract the student to come out and try to use the whiteboard as a tool of study. For examples, the teacher will pick a student to form a several group to do the activity by using Smart Notebook and Interactive Whiteboard. They can play with it while they present about the topic that had been given to them. It involvement with their friends and teacher in discussion where enabled to student develop their cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain skills. So it can help student to learn better especially for students who less keen to learn or students who lack of intelligence. Moreover, the student could increase their knowledge and understanding about the lesson and ICT.  In conclusion, this Interactive Whiteboard can be uses as an approach to teach students.

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