Wednesday 9 November 2011

...Crime and Criminal...

Crime and criminal activities have become an issue of major concern to all Malaysians. Violent and traumatic crimes must be viewed with utmost seriousness not only by the government, our law enforcement agencies and the judiciary but also by our communities ad a whole. The nation's rapid economic and technological development is not matched by moral and human development.

We live in world were information and communication technologies are transforming at a speed we cannot keep pace with. No one can deny the importance of ICT in this information age, but at the ame time we need to realise the necessity to promote the development of morals and values that are essential to make Malaysia a fully developed nation.

Being aware of your personal safety and security is not only confined now to the physical aspect but also concerns cyberspace. There is cause for concern over the rise in cyber crime and degradation of ethical and moral values surrounding the use of computer and software applications. One can fall prey to identify theft and fraud, among a host of other things.

Are we doing enough a as Government, as a community and as a family institution to address these issues?

Star online
Monday June 6, 2011
Vice chairman, MCPF

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