Wednesday 9 November 2011

...Malaysian Smart School...

       In 1996, Malaysia identified information and communication technology (ICT) as one of the key foundation for its projected transition from a production-based economy to a knowledge-based economy by 2020. The Smart School initiative is one of the flagship applications that are part of Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project. The government of the rapid development of the MSC's infrastructure to jump-start deployment of enabling technology to schools. This was done by creating a group of 90 pilot Smart Schools in 1999 that will serve as the nucleus for the eventual nation-wide rollout of Smart School teaching concepts and materials, skills, and technologies. By 2010, all primary and secondary schools in Malaysia will be a Smart Schools.

As senior officer from the Ministry of Education, prepare a presentation to a group of science teachers from Brunei who are interested to know about the Smart School initiatives, focusing on the teaching learning component and the use of technology as enablers contained in the Smart School Concept. You also need to provide an overveiw of the progress made so far and challenges faced since the inception of Smart Schools in Malaysia.

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